Title: "Layaleena"
Mosaic: Smalti, 24 karat gold smalti, granite, marble, onyx, cristallino, mother of pearl, fresh water pearl, hematite, coral, jade and quartz
Size: 4 x 6 feet (48"x72") made out of 21 pieces
Year: 2009
Location: Politia, Greece
Mosaic: Smalti, 24 karat gold smalti, granite, marble, onyx, cristallino, mother of pearl, fresh water pearl, hematite, coral, jade and quartz
Size: 4 x 6 feet (48"x72") made out of 21 pieces
Year: 2009
Location: Politia, Greece
Layaleena, an Arabic/Lebanese word for "Splendorous Nights", is a commission piece installed in a home in Greece.
In this scene the goal was to reflect the magnificence of the Lebanese nights and lifestyle of the past. Layaleena is made out of 21 pieces and took 10 months to complete.
The Process
Step One: Sketch on paper (In reverse)
Step Two: Watercolor (In reverse)
Step Three: mosaicing (in reverse)
Step Four: "In Progress" photos sent to client
Final step: Casting and grouting
Final step: Casting and grouting
Packing and Shipping
"Put the horse in the cart and let’s go"
October 7th, 2009
"Put the horse in the cart and let’s go"
October 7th, 2009