Title: Festivities
Medium: Mosaic: smalti, millefiori, crystallino, pebbles and other glass
Size: 44 H x 28 W inches
Location: Southwest of Broadway & Rosemead Blvd. City of Temple City, CA
Awarded "Best Site-Specific Mosaic"
2017 Mosaic Arts International
The Camellia Festival and Lunar New Year are conveyed in this design to represent the merging of Eastern and Western cultures through celebratory traditions.
In particular, these events also help to bridge the gap between diverse populations and transcend language barriers to establish a more united and culturally aware community.
Coming in 2015
Medium: Mosaic: smalti, millefiori, crystallino, pebbles and other glass
Size: 44 H x 28 W inches
Location: Southwest of Broadway & Rosemead Blvd. City of Temple City, CA
Awarded "Best Site-Specific Mosaic"
2017 Mosaic Arts International
The Camellia Festival and Lunar New Year are conveyed in this design to represent the merging of Eastern and Western cultures through celebratory traditions.
In particular, these events also help to bridge the gap between diverse populations and transcend language barriers to establish a more united and culturally aware community.
Coming in 2015